Artificial Intelligence
Advancing agrifood through artificial intelligence
As Canada’s plant-based food, feed and ingredients sector evolves, the technology needed to sustain it evolves along with it. Protein Industries Canada recognizes the need for trailblazing companies across the country to expand the tools, resources and technologies that help keep their businesses innovative and sustainable. With increased access to such assets, these companies can help provide consumers around the world with healthy, high-quality plant-based protein products, while driving forward the goals outlined in The Road to $25 Billion.
Protein Industries Canada’s artificial intelligence program aims to meet this need for new tools and technologies by co-investing in collaborative projects, comprised of consortia of two or more partner companies, that utilize artificial intelligence to help grow Canada’s plant-based food, feed and ingredients ecosystem. Through such collaborative innovation, these companies can help the country meet its goal of reaching $25 billion in global plant-based product sales by 2035 quicker and more sustainably, while providing consumers with a wide variety of new food options.
Between now and March 31, 2026, Protein Industries Canada will be investing $30 million into these artificial intelligence projects, benefiting the plant-based and agrifood sector. The amount we invest in each project will depend on proposed scope and impact.
Projects may be either solicited or unsolicited. There may be instances when Protein Industries Canada issues a specific call for projects to fill an identified gap; however, companies across the country are encouraged to put forth projects that are aligned with and contribute to the objectives of advancing Canada’s plant-based food and ingredients ecosystem.
The project application process is made up of two parts:
- The Expression of Interest (EOI)
- Full Project Proposal
Please read through the Program Guide before beginning the project process. This outlines the program structure and eligibility requirements.
Protein Industries Canada may require consortia to complete a Data and AI Readiness Program to enable feasibility assessment of their proposed project. Completion of this program may be cost-shared with Protein Industries Canada.
The Data and AI Readiness Program will require that consortia engage with external service providers to define and evaluate aspects of their project such as:
- Use cases and product strategy;
- Organizational resources and processes;
- Technology;
- Data sources and quality; and
- Risk assessment and mitigation strategy.
Once you have reviewed the Program Guide, email us at to discuss your project. We will work in-step with consortia through the project application process. This includes helping you understand if your project is eligible, identifying other potential partners you may want to work with, supporting development of the EOI, working through IP, data and commercialization strategies, and more.
Project Evaluation
Review of Project Proposals submitted to Protein Industries Canada will be initiated within six weeks of receipt.
Protein Industries Canada will work to review the projects as quickly as possible within the evaluation process, taking the time necessary to complete our due diligence.
More details on the evaluation process can be found in the Program Guide.
Eligible Projects
Protein Industries Canada will co-invest in collaborative consortia that use artificial intelligence technology that leverages strengths, addresses gaps and incents innovation across the plant-based food, feed and ingredients value chain. All projects are expected to engage diverse and inclusive teams with meaningful participation of women, Indigenous Peoples and/or other under-represented groups.
Protein Industries Canada’s contribution, both in magnitude and in proportion, to an approved project will be determined by how, and the extent to which, project outcomes are aligned with our program areas and the Global Innovation Cluster themes, and the potential for transformation. These program areas and themes can be found in the Program Guide.
All projects start at the EOI stage, during which time the consortium may receive advice as to how a project can better meet eligibility criteria, or feedback on scope and scale of the project. All EOIs are assessed by a team of Protein Industries Canada staff. EOIs that meet eligibility requirements are assessed for fit with Protein Industries Canada’s Investment Thesis, Global Innovation Cluster prioirites, and against other program criteria. Selected projects move on to the Full Proposal stage. The project, its budget and its workplan are fine-tuned throughout this stage. Once complete, the project is presented to the Project Selection Committee, which is comprised of industry experts independent of Protein Industries Canada Board of Directors. The Project Selection Committee may determine whether the project receives approval, is declined or is tabled for more information.
Further information about project eligibility—including consortium details, administration fee information, initiative alignment and applicable sanctions—is available in the Program Guide.
The Project Selection Committee
The Project Selection Committee evaluates and makes the final decision regarding co-investment into a project. The committee may approve the project, decline a project, table a project for further information, or approve only a portion or specific aspect of the project.
Members of Protein Industries Canada’s Project Selection Committee have experience related to Protein Industries Canada’s Investment Thesis and expertise relevant to the technical areas for which Protein Industries Canada co-investments are available. Protein Industries Canada tasks the Project Selection Committee with reviewing Application Packages and selecting projects appropriate for co-investment.
Members of the Project Selection Committee are governed by a Conflict of Interest Policy. At no time prior to, during, or following a project evaluation, may a member of a consortium attempt to influence or have a conversation about their project with any member of the Project Selection Committee. Doing so may result in the project being disqualified. All members are expected to comply with the Code of Member Conduct and the Project Selection Committee-Applicant Interaction Policy.

Evgueni Loukipoudis
Evgueni Loukipoudis is the head of Research and Emerging Technologies at Rhapsody Health. Before joining Rhapsody he was the CTO of the Digital Technology Supercluster where he inspired and supported innovative collaborative projects to deliver over 150 novel products and services. Prior to that, he was the CTO of McKesson Medical Imaging and then Change Healthcare and in his previous roles as a senior leader in Agfa Healthcare he co-led the digital transformation of that multinational corporation. Evgueni has also been part of technology start-ups and participated in several open industry-wide and global standardization initiatives. He holds an MSc in Mathematics and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Sofia, Bulgaria. His interests include digital health, digital twins, distributed ledger technology, data commons, web3 data economy, linked open data, and machine learning.

Mai Mavinkurve
Mai is an industry expert and advisor in data, applied AI, emerging technologies and innovation. As a member of the ISED Economic Strategy - Digital Industries Table, she led the subgroup that developed national data strategy and IP recommendations. She has also represented Canada at the G7 ministerial meetings on AI and the future of work. Mai has advised on the Ontario Digital and Data Task Force as well as co-chaired a Data Governance initiative with the Standards Council of Canada. Mai is a licensed professional engineer, an executive leader and a serial entrepreneur with a focus on the practical enterprise applications and implications of AI, data and blockchain. Mai was acknowledged as one of the 30 Most Influential Women in AI in Canada and was recently appointed as a Senior Fellow at the think tank - Centre for International Governance and Innovation (CIGI). She is also a speaker at many technology and innovation conferences.
How to apply
We are currently not accepting EOIs at this time. If you have any questions about the Artificial Intelligence program, please submit an inquiry below.